Staff is available during normal business hours Monday-Friday from 8:00am–5:00pm.
To check park availability complete the online Park Reservation Inquiry Form or call (503) 390-3700.
Park Area Reservation Information
The park areas listed below can be reserved year-round. In order to begin the reservation process a Park Area Reservation Application must be completed and submitted along with the associated fees to the City of Keizer at least five business days prior to your event date.
Additional information for Chalmers Jones Park ‐ The Splash Fountain by the gazebo operates during the summer from 12pm to 7pm Wednesday‐Sunday on days forecasted 75 degrees or more. It is heavily used by up to 50 kids and parents during those hours and can be very loud. The Splash Fountain cannot be reserved or rented.
Important ‐ Prohibited Unless Permitted for All Park Areas
The Keizer Code - Section 28-2 establishes Keizer Parks Regulations. The following are specifically prohibited in all Park Areas unless expressly permitted in writing by the City:
Possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages. Cooking with anything other than a barbecue. Use of Generators. Amplified sound. Events with over 50 attendees. Public, Ticketed or Concert Events. Events causing traffic or parking issues. Using City provided electrical services. Projecting any still or moving pictures.
To apply for any of these accommodations, please use a Park Addendum application. A Non‐refundable Permit Application Fee of $63.00 will apply with submittal of the application addendum. This addendum must be submitted along with either the “Park Area Reservation Application” or the “Keizer Rotary Amphitheatre Application/Permit”.
Amphitheatre Reservation & Permit Information
The Keizer Rapids Park Amphitheatre located at 1900 Chemawa Road North can be rented year‐round. In order to begin the permitting process the following documents must be completed and submitted along with the associated fees to the City of Keizer. If your event is estimating attendance over 100 people, or permitting intoxicating beverages, or permitting amplified sound, the application must be submitted 60 days prior to the event date. All other applications must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the event date.
Keizer Rotary Amphitheatre and Keizer Rapids Park Photographs
Other local parks outside of the Keizer city limits
River Road Park ~ 3045 River Road N
Contact: City of Salem - Parks (503) 588-6336
Spong’s Landing ~ Naples St N and 22nd Ave N
Contact: Marion County Parks and Recreation (503) 588-6261
Willamette Mission Park ~ 10991 Wheatland Rd NE
Contact: Oregon Parks and Recreation Department Info: (800) 551-6949 Park: (503) 393-1172
Other related documents
Keizer Code Section 26-4 Regarding Noise
Keizer Code Section 28 Regarding Parks Regulations
For all the latest information on how to recreate safely in our parks please refer to State of Oregon Covid-19 Information