City Recorder

Department Director:  Melissa Bisset, MMC   medCouncil_1.jpg
Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM  
Phone Number:  503-856-3412 or 503-856-3418  
Fax Number:  503-393-9437  


Mailing Address:
City of Keizer
City Recorder
PO Box 21000
Keizer, OR 97303 

City Recorder
Melissa Bisset, MMC
The City Recorder provides administrative support to the City Council and serves as Election Officer, Risk Manager, and Volunteer Coordinator.  In addition, the City Recorder acts as a "hub" for many of the departments providing project research, procedural support for the preparation of staff reports, ordinances, and resolutions, and oversees the public notification process. Other areas of responsibility include the processing of special event permits, liquor license applications, and street lighting districts. The City Recorder provides supervisory authority to the Deputy City Recorder.
Deputy City Recorder 
Dawn Wilson
The Deputy City Recorder gives administrative support, prepares minutes and agenda packets, and attends meetings for most of the City's Boards and Commissions. In addition, the Deputy City Recorder coordinates the Records Management program and assists the City Recorder in the preparation of minutes for the Boards, Commissions, Committees, City Counciland Task Forces.