Got Leaks?
If you would like assistance or have any questions, please feel free to call the office at (503) 390-8280 Mon - Fri (8:00 AM to 5:00 PM)
If there’s a WATER EMERGENCY, please call the after-hours line at (503) 393-1608
Directions On How To Turn Off/On Ball Valve

- To protect from flooding and to save on your water bill, there is a shut-off on your side of the meter at your ball valve. To turn your water off, simply turn your handle a quarter of a turn to where the handle is not in-line position with your meter. You may have to remove the cement meter box or move dirt away from the handle.

Check For Leaks
Once everything is off in the home, get the meter and look to see if the tattle tale on the meter is moving. You may need to watch the meter for at least 5 minutes.
- **Tip** Place a piece of tape next to the tattle tale, this will allow you to come back to the meter to see if the tattle tale has moved.
- If the tattle tale is still moving, water is leaking somewhere or something is still on in the home. Notify the Utility Billing Department if you have a leak. Customer service staff can verify by looking at the meter free of charge.
Who Fixes My Leak?
- If the leak occurred on the customer’s side of the meter the homeowner will be responsible for any repairs.
- However the City of Keizer is the cause of the leak and/or on the City’s side of the meter, Public Works will conduct repairs.
My Leak Is Repaired, How Will This Effect My Bill?
- Once repaired contact the water department 503-390-8280. Advise what day the repairs were made. Our department will have customer service look at your meter to verify.
- If it is verified that there is no leak, an assessment of your account history will be taken to see if an adjustment can be made.
- Remember to save receipts; they may be required before an adjustment can be posted.
- If repairs are not made in a timely manner Utility Billing may not be able to make an adjustment to your bill.
Preventative Maintenance
Check sprinkler systems before summer use.
- Drain supply lines to water sprinklers and swimming pools in advance of freezing conditions.
- When cold weather approaches, disconnect all hoses from faucets and insulate exposed plumbing. Open cabinets when the temperature drops, to encourage air circulation and reduce the risk of freezing.
- If temperatures are below freezing, turn on your faucet, and let the water drip throughout the day and night.