Boards, Commissions & Neighborhood Associations

More than 50 citizens serve on these advisory bodies and make a tremendously valuable contribution to

the effective provision of responsive services to the community. All meetings are open to the public.   


Public Art Commission:  This Commission reviews, evaluates, selects, maintains, and documents all artwork, public art, and public murals within the city. The Commission may advise the City Council and City Manager on the management, execution, installation, or placement of the artwork, public art and public murals and will recommend guidelines for adoption by the City Council for the selection and placement of the artwork giving preference to Oregon artists. The Commission meets on the third Tuesday every other month starting in January at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall.

Budget Committee:   Responsibilities include assisting the City Council in the examination and analyzing of proposed budgets for the City of Keizer. The Budget Committee meets in May of each year at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall to review the annual budget.   

Community Diversity Engagement Committee:  This committee acts in an advisory capacity to the Keizer City Council and to advise on action for community engagement by: Listening to understand. Keizer wants to let everyone know we are all included when we talk about the Keizer community and are important for our community to thrive holistically, using what is heard to create recommendations for action plan(s) for increasing community engagement and communication on progress in civic processes, and acting on the values included in the Resolution for Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. The Committee meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall. 

General Fund Long Range Planning Task Force: This Committee works with staff in creating a five-year planning document for making financial decisions for presentation to the City Council. This Committee meets as needed, generally in the first quarter of the year on a designated Monday(s) at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall. 

Parks Advisory Board: This Board reviews and studies issues that involve development and maintenance of city parks and makes recommendations to the Council. The Board meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall.

Personnel Policy Committee
The Personnel Policy Committee shall make recommendations to the Keizer City Council regarding personnel policies, including, but not limited to, recommendations regarding salary/compensation surveys. The Personnel Policy Committee shall also review general personnel information, including, but not limited to, worker’s compensation statistics, retirement issues, and employee updates; but shall not review individual employee matters. The Personnel Policy Committee shall not review placement of individual employees in a salary classification system, collective bargaining agreement issues, employee disciplinary matters, or other individual employee matters or matters that are under the purview of the City Manager pursuant to the Keizer City Charter. This Committee meets quarterly on the fourth or fifth Monday at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall.

Planning Commission: The Commission assists the City Council in land use decisions and recommendations regarding Keizer's future growth, development, and beautification. The Planning Commission has guidelines for composition and organization.  The guidelines prohibit more than two members to be engaged principally in the buying, selling, or developing of real estate.  In addition, Planning Commission members are required to file a statement of economic interest disclosure form with the Oregon Government Ethics Commission. The Commission meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall.

Traffic Safety/Bikeways/ Pedestrian Committee: This committee is responsible for reviewing traffic safety issues in Keizer and making recommendations to the City Council for improvements.  Members also make recommendations for future locations of bike lanes in the City and work to promote bicycle safety and use throughout the community. In addition to the monthly Committee meeting, there may be other events that require extra volunteer hours. The committee meets on the third Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. at City Hall.    

Keizer Volunteer Program  

"Pride, Spirit, And Volunteerism"  

The concept of volunteerism is not new to the City of Keizer.  In fact, when the City was formed in 1982, volunteerism was considered the foundation from which the City would be developed.  Today, literally every facet of the City's operations is supported by a wide variety of volunteers just like you; people who want to get involved in helping our community and each other reach their full potential.
The very first committee created upon incorporation was the Appointment Commission. Its mission was to coordinate and promote volunteerism through the recruitment of citizens to serve on the various commissions, committees and task forces. Abolished in 1984, the concept was resurrected by City Council resolution on July 15, 1991, with the creation of the Volunteer Coordinating Committee.  Each member of the Committee is a representative of a council member and serves a three-year term.
 The Volunteer Coordinating Committee is responsible for

  •   Identifying functions and activities where volunteers can help the City;  
  •   Soliciting volunteers for City Commissions, Committees and Task Forces;  
  •   Soliciting volunteers for special projects and activities within the City;  
  •   Matching volunteers to needs within the City;  
  •   Recruitment, interviewing and recommendation of Commission, Committee or Task Force appointments to the Mayor and/or City Council;  
  •   Assisting in the training of volunteers; public relation items pertaining to the individual committees; and recognition of the volunteers for the City.  

Volunteer Hours 
There is an expectation that a volunteer appointed to a commission, committee, or task force will attend at least 75% of all scheduled meetings.

How Appointments Are Made 
Although commission, committee and task force appointments are limited, vacancies do occur.  The Mayor, City Council and the Volunteer Coordinating Committee are committed to diverse community representation.

When an appointment is required the Volunteer Coordinating Committee seeks out qualified applicants to recommend to the appointing authority (Mayor, City Council, or City Staff).  A variety of search methods, such as newsprint and radio advertisement, posters and flyers, public announcements at a variety of meetings, and, of course, word of mouth has been successfully utilized.
 To assist you in your understanding of what a commission, committee, or task force/ad-hoc group is the following definitions apply

  •  Commission:  A governmental body having administrative authority to accomplish its duties. Example: The Planning Commission.  
  •  Committee/Board:  A body of citizens delegated to consider, investigate, take action, or report on some matter. Examples: Budget Committee, Volunteer Coordinating Committee, Keizer Tomorrow Committee, and Parks Advisory Board  
  •  Task Force/Ad-Hoc Group:  A temporary grouping to accomplish a definite objective.  Examples:  Community Build Task Force

  Keizer City Council Committee Protocol  

  Committees appointed by the Keizer City Council will follow the following protocol 

  1.   Committee decisions are to be made during scheduled meetings.  
  2.   All Committee meetings are open to the public and are required to receive public testimony.  
  3.   Keizer City Council and the Keizer City Manager must be given a full copy of all Committee meeting minutes.  
  4.   All Committee projects and/or recommendations must be approved by Keizer City Council manner, unless pre-approved limits have been set by the City Council:  
    •   A plan, project, or recommendation will be formulated with information regarding any fiscal impact, neighborhood impact, etc.  This information should include possible resources and or solutions.  
    •   This information will then be presented at a Keizer City Council meeting.  
    •   Keizer City Council will determine if the plan, project, or recommendation is feasible and will direct the Keizer City Manager to implement.  
    •   The Keizer City manager will in turn direct the appropriate staff to work on a recommendation to be returned to Keizer City Council in a timely manner.  

Volunteers have become a very special part of the City of Keizer and we hope you will consider becoming part of our team.  For more information please call the City Recorder's office at 503-856-3412 or 503-856-3418.
The City of Keizer does not discriminate against any individual in regard to participation in programs offered on the basis of that individual's age, race, sex, creed, color, national origin, or physical challenge.
All committee, commissions, or ad-hoc/task force meetings are open to the public. The Volunteer Coordinating Committee encourages interested citizens to attend. For a calendar of meetings, please see the "Meeting Material's" section of the the website. Thank you!