City of Keizer: City Hall ~ 930 Chemawa Rd. NE; 503-390-8280
 Office hours: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
 Monday through Friday (excluding holidays)
 If your payment is late, please bring it into City Hall in-person.
Payment Options:  

Drop Box Location: 
City Hall ~ 930 Chemawa Rd. NE (same building as Police Department)

    *** A silver DROP BOX is Located in Parking Lot, close to the US mail box, BEHIND City Hall/Police Department Building ***

Auto-Pay via City of Keizer Directly Debiting Your Bank Account: 
Water, sewer and storm water utility bills can be drafted from your checking or saving account. Transactions will be completed on or after the 15th of the month following the bill. The bills are printed every two months. To have your account paid though bank draft, simply fill out the Application and return it to City of Keizer. Please remember to sign and return it with a voided check (for check withdrawals).