Keizer Municipal Court

Traffic Citations

You have three options, as listed on your citation, if you do not want to appear in person:

Option 1

Enter a plea of No Contest and pay the amount of the presumptive fine as listed on your citation prior to your assigned Court appearance date.  If your fine is reduced by the Judge, any refunds will be sent by mail so please include any address updates with your plea.

Once your plea has been received by the Court, payment can be made multiple ways:

  • Online at
  • Mail to:   PO Box 21000  Keizer, Oregon 97307
  • In person at the Keizer Municipal Court Counter
  • Drop in silver Payment Drop Box located in the front parking lot of City Hall at 930 Chemawa Rd NE in Keizer

Option 2

Enter a plea of No Contest and submit a letter of explanation prior to your assigned Court appearance date.

If you choose this option, you will make a written appearance and waive your right to a trial. The court may consider your written statement when establishing the amount of the fine.

Option 3

Enter a written plea of Not Guilty and request a trial prior to your assigned Court appearance date.   

You will be notified of your trial date by mail so please include updated mailing address and phone number with your plea.  If you have not received your trial notice within 45 days, call the Court for a status update.

CORRECTABLE VIOLATIONS:   Call the Court Office at (503) 856-3406 for information regarding the Vehicle Compliance Program.

COLLECTIONS ACCOUNTS:  Contact Valley Credit Service at (503) 585-5651

OREGON DMV:   (503) 945-5000 For specific information regarding the status of your driving privileges

To submit your plea electronically, please complete and submit the form below.
