Code Enforcement is responsible for investigating possible violations of the City of Keizer’s Development Code and certain City Ordinances to enhance neighborhood preservation while providing sensitive, courteous and outstanding public service. We are committed to proudly serving our community in a safe, professional and effective manner.
Code Enforcement staff can be contacted by phone, email, or by our on-line complaint form.
Benjamin Crosby
(503) 856-3438
Click here to go to Complaint Form
Code Enforcement does not accept anonymous complaints. Information about complainants is kept confidential unless the official compliance file is subpoenaed as part of a legal proceeding.
Code Enforcement has to allow due process to occur when requiring abatement of violations. Upon verification that a violation exists, a verbal warning to the occupant; issue of a written notice or posting on a property; or, a letter of notification is sent to the responsible parties; all which have a specific compliance date.
Upon re-inspection, if the violation still exists, a notice and order is sent to the last known property owner; and again a compliance date is given. Continued non-compliance may result in judicial remedies or contractor abatement.
Correct the violation on or before the date given on the courtesy notice. If you have questions, would like to request a site visit or are unable to meet the deadline given for unusual circumstances, contact the Code Enforcement Dept directly at (503) 856-3438.
Garage sales are allowed no more than 3 times per calendar year, with such garage sales lasting no more than 3 consecutive days each.
See Home Occupation standards in the Keizer Development Code Section 2.407 for information on allowed and prohibited businesses.
Placement of receptacles at curbside or roadside is limited to a time period of 24 hours prior to collection and 24 hours after collection.
Homeowners/tenants are responsible for providing regular maintenance of a property’s exterior and landscaping. Front, backyard, and alleys should be well maintained, mowed regularly and free from trash, litter, debris, weeds, and overgrown vegetation. Weeds and Grass more than 12 inches in height and blackberry briars are to be cut down and maintained continually.
Barking dogs and dogs running loose are handled by the Keizer Police Department.
Dogs bites are handled by Marion County Dog Control.
Marion County Dog Control
(503) 588-5366
City of Keizer Police Department
(503) 390-2000
Trees located in the public right-of-way, including parking strips between streets and sidewalks, shall be maintained by the immediately abutting property owner and shall not be cut down, removed, topped, or transplanted without first obtaining permission from the City of Keizer Public Works Department (503) 856-3561.
Trees shall not obstruct the view of any traffic control device or sign or severely obstruct the light from any streetlight. Trees shall not be less than 13 feet above street surface and not less than 8 feet above any sidewalk surface.
Solid Waste includes all manner of refuse, including but not limited to mounds of dirt, compost, piles of leaves, grass and weed clippings, paper trash, useless fragments of building material, rubble, household items and appliances, items of salvage such as scrap metal and wood, barrels, tires, tree and brush trimmings, and other miscellaneous wastes or rejected matter.
Each residence in the RS Zone shall be limited to one RV storage space. The RV space shall be located in either the side or rear yard and shall have an all-weather surface and be drained. A space located closer than 10 feet to an adjacent property line shall be screened by a 6 foot sight-obscuring fence, wall or hedge. RV’s may be occupied no more than 30 days in any year.
An inoperable vehicle is a vehicle that does not display a current license tag and/or is not equipped with all parts that are required to legally and safely operate on public streets and/or cannot be driven under its own power. Inoperable vehicles cannot be stored except in a fully enclosed, legally constructed building.
No parking is permitted on unpaved or grass areas within the area defined as the front yard unless recognized as the primary driveway serving a residence.
It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit or cause to be deposited bark dust, mud, dirt, sand, gravel, or debris of any kind on any public street, easement, right-of-way or sidewalks except during active building construction or with advance approval from the Public Works Department.
It is unlawful for any person to park any vehicle for any period of time in excess of seventy-two consecutive hours in any public right-of-way. To report a parking concern, click here.
When Graffiti is visible from any public right-of-way, any other public or private property, or from any premises open to the public, no responsible person may maintain, permit or allow such Graffiti to remain upon their property in excess of five (5) working days. Click here to report graffiti.