Planning Director : Shane Witham
Email: Shane Witham
Assistant Planner: Dina Horner
Email: Dina Horner
Office Hours: Monday - Friday (8:00 am - 5:00 pm)
Phone Numbers: (503) 856-3441
Fax Number: (503) 390-8288
Salem-Keizer Regional Scenario Planning
To request a preapplication meeting
The Planning Division is responsible for both current and long-range planning efforts affecting the City. Staff serves as technical support to the Planning Commission, making recommendations and providing guidance and expertise regarding amendments to the Development Code and other City Ordinances. The Division is also responsible for coordinating updates to the Comprehensive Plan, Transportation Systems Plan, and serves as a voice for Keizer on various region-wide planning and transportation efforts.
The Planning Division is committed to working with other departments, agencies, and jurisdictions in order to effectively address the issues and concerns facing the citizens of Keizer over future growth and development.