Cadets are volunteers who observe and assist sworn police officers to gain a basic knowledge of law enforcement operations as a potential career and to assist the department with special events. Through personal involvement, the Keizer Police Cadet program establishes an awareness of the complexities of police service and provides a community service.
The presence of a law enforcement cadet program within an agency can be a positive factor in influencing departmental attitudes, both internally and externally. Cadets are given an opportunity to see firsthand the efforts of commissioned personnel. Additionally, commissioned personnel normally exposed to youth involved with criminal offenses can observe and experience the positive side of young America. Cadets provide the law enforcement community an opportunity to further an investment in its own future through relationships with fit and capable young adults.
Click here for the Cadet Application Form.
The cadet program is designed to further each cadet's education, encourage participation in a productive service activity, and enhance the cadet's preparation for future roles as citizen and community member.
Working closely with full time and reserve officers, cadets are provided training on a variety of topics including career development, officer safety and survival, and special event training, including contact with the public.
Besides gaining a working knowledge of police work, participants have the opportunity to give of themselves to their community. Our department utilizes the assistance of cadets in such areas as crime prevention, record keeping, radio communications, traffic control at special events (e.g. Keizer Iris Parade, Festival of Lights parade), telecommunications, and much more. These activities are performed under the supervision of department members and demonstrate that cadets can have more than a superficial role in law enforcement.
Keizer Police Cadets attend a scaled down version of the police academy which lasts two weeks in June of each year. Cadets also participate in the Oregon Law Enforcement Challenge so they can hone their skills and compete against cadet units from around the states of Oregon and Washington.
Sergeant Scott Bigler
Detective Jay Prall
Officer Scott Keniston
National Runaway Switchboard 1-800-621-4000
The Teenagers Guide to the Real World