Patrol Division

The Patrol Division is supervised by Lieutenant Tim Hein. The largest of the three divisions in the department, it is tasked with providing police services to the citizens of our community 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Officers within the division fulfill their responsibilities by responding to emergency and non-emergency calls for service, conducting proactive patrols for the detection and deterrence of criminal activity, providing safety seminars, and interacting with several neighborhood watch organizations; all-the-while, striving to serve every community member with fairness and respect.  

As the largest and most visible division within the department, the Patrol Division is often the first point of contact for any call for service.  Officers receive numerous hours of training each year to ensure they are able to properly investigate and respond to a variety of incidents.  

The Patrol Division is comprised of five units: Patrol, K-9, Community Response, Reserve Officer and Cadet.  Specialty assignments within the Division include SWAT, armorer, CRASH Team and supervision of the Reserve and Cadet Units.  Additionally, many of our patrol personnel hold instructor positions within the department, as well as teaching at DPSST and the Mid-Valley Reserve Training Academy.  These areas of instruction include:  

    Â·     Confrontation Simulation (ConSim)  

    Â·     CPR/First Aid  

    Â·     Defensive Tactics  

    Â·     Drug Recognition Experts (DRE’s)  

    Â·     Emergency Vehicle Operations (EVOC)  

    Â·     Field Training Officers (FTO’s)  

    Â·     Firearms  

    Â·     Standard Field Sobriety Tests (SFSTs)