Erosion Control Permit

An Erosion Control Permit is required where any construction or ground disturbing activity is occurring over 2,000 sq. ft. (or 200 sq. ft. if waterway adjacent). This program requires the implementation of erosion control best management practices, which are designed to minimize the impact of erosion and sediment loading on Keizer's streams and rivers. See: City of Keizer Code Chapter 18 Article IV Erosion Control.

Step 1: Determine if your project has ground disturbing activities. 

Ground disturbance is any activity that exposes soil. Ground disturbance activities include but are not limited to: construction activity, fill and grading, excavating, paving, building and demolition. An Erosion Control Permit is required on projects where ground disturbing activity is over the thresholds listed in the table below.

Step 2: Determine your total disturbance area.

Disturbance area can be calculated by adding up the area of material storage, working area, entrances and the building area. Any part of the property that will be used during construction is part of your disturbance area. Do not solely use the building area as disturbance area.

Step 3: Find the appropriate permit application based on your total disturbance area.

Disturbance Threshold (sq. ft.)  Permit Application Required  Fee  
200 – 1,999 & Waterway Adjacent Disturbance (Waterway-adjacent means the disturbance takes place within 50 feet of any waterway.) Small Project Application & Info Packet None  
2,000 – 9,999   Small Project Application & Info Packet $100  
10,000-19,999   Large Project Application $200  
20,000-43,559  Large Project Application $500  
43,560 (1 acre) +  Large Project Application $1000  
5+ acres Large Project Application & 1200C Permit from DEQ $1000 & DEQ Fee 

Step 4: Prepare application documents & review examples.

Once you have identified the appropriate permit application, be sure to review the templates below to help you prepare your application documents for submittal. 

Small Project ApplicationLarge Project Application
Small Application Checklist
Large Application Checklist
Example Small Project ApplicationExample Large Project Application
Example Small Site Plan
Erosion Control Standard Details

Step 5: Review BMPs

Best management practices for erosion control are essential to keeping your site in compliance. Review the best management practices help guide for additional guidance on selection and installation of your BMPs.

bmp help guide button

Step 6: Submit application & await approval

Submit your application and associated documents at the Public Works front desk or by emailing copies to the City's Compliance Coordinator, Haley Seth at

Once you have submitted your documents for review, the City's Compliance Coordinator will notify you once your application has been approved. Please note that submitting a permit application does not mean you have obtained an Erosion Control Permit. Do not move forward with any ground disturbing activities until you have received an approved permit.

If you have questions about the City’s Erosion Control Permits or the 1200-CN program, please contact our program staff at 503-856-3424.