Emerald Ash Borer Quarantine in Effect in Marion County

The US Department of Agriculture confirmed detection of the Emerald ash borer in Marion, Yamhill and Clackamas Counties on August 28, 2024. Marion County and the others have been placed in a permanent quarantine status

Emerald Ash Borers in the Willamette Valley

The Oregon Department of Forestry warns that the establishment of Emerald Ash Borers are expected to devastate ash woodlands and riparian zones where native Oregon Ash (Fraxinus latifolia) is a dominant species. These trees provide important shade, food and habitat resources in riparian areas where soils can drain poorly and where seasonally high-water tables can exclude other tree species. 

The loss of ash trees caused by Emerald Ash Borer infestations could lead to a reduction in urban tree canopy, an increase in invasive plants filling in Ash Tree niches, potential streambank soil loss, and loss of shade and habitat along streams.

The quarantine does not allow the movement of tree materials from ash, olive, and white-fringe tree outside of the county unless it meets certain conditions. 


For more information, visit www.OregonEAB.com 

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For questions, please email EAB@oda.oregon.gov or call 503-986-4636.

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