All public streets are located on land that is called "right-of-way". The right-of-way usually extends beyond the paved area of street and can include sidewalks, driveway approaches and utility lines. With few exceptions, permits are required from the Public Works Department to perform any construction activity. Additional permits, applications and licenses can be accessed through the Planning Department.
Construction Application Permit: This form is required to assess fee calculations for developers constructing public improvements.
Driveway Approach Permit: A driveway permit is required if you are creating a new driveway, rebuilding, widening, or changing the use of an existing driveway (e.g. residential to farm). Driveways are reviewed for width, proximity to adjacent streets or driveways, slope, material and drainage. If you're changing the approach of your driveway to where it meets the right-of-way you will also need a driveway permit or request an exemption from the driveway permit.
Erosion Control Permit: All projects that disturb or expose 200 sq. ft. or more of soil on public or private property must obtain the appropriate erosion control permit. Soil disturbances include stump removal/cleaning, excavating, grading, landscaping, or other construction activity that impacts the soil. The City offers four different erosion control permits based on the size of the project and/or soil disturbance. For more information, please refer to the City's Erosion Control Program webpage or review the Keizer Code, Section 18 Article 4..
Plan Review Submittal Form: This form is required for new development and redevelopment projects with public improvements and or drainage facilities.
Right-of-Way Permit: If the street must be cut or bored (e.g. in order to install a sewer line), a right-of-way permit is required, and the construction work may only be performed by a licensed contractor. All excavation or fill within the public right-of-way requires a right-of-way permit and prior approval from the Public Works Department. Any construction activity which temporarily changes the vehicular or pedestrian traffic flow requires a traffic plan to be included with your right-of-way permit application.
Sidewalk Permit: All sidewalk construction or repair within the public right-of-way requires a sidewalk permit. Sidewalks are typically located along the edge of right-of-way, with a landscape area between the sidewalk and curb. Sidewalk location may depend on the location of utilities or other sidewalks on adjacent properties. Sidewalk maintenance is the responsibility of the abutting property owner. For more information, please refer to the Keizer Code: Section 36, Article VI.
Each of the above permits should be filed at the Public Works Department front desk, located inside the City Hall Building at 930 Chemawa Rd. NE. Please be sure to include a site plan or detailed map indicating work to be performed.