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Keizer Pedestrian Flag Program
Position | Member *Indicates Cycling Advocate | Term Ends |
1 | Brenda Lamb | 12/31/25 |
2 | Hersch Sangster* | 12/31/25 |
3 | Michael De Blasi* | 12/31/26 |
4 | Open Position | 12/31/27 |
5 | David Philbrick | 12/31/26 |
6 | David Dempster* | 12/31/27 |
7 | Matt Myers | 12/31/26 |
Council President Shaney Starr, Council Liaison | 12/31/26 | |
OPEN Position - Youth Liaison (non-voting) | ||
Mike Griffin, Staff Liaison | ||
Martin Powell, Police Liaison |
More information about this Committee: Resolution R2024-3503
Purpose: To act in an advisory capacity to the Keizer City Council and City Manager in the creation, development and implementation of official traffic safety activities, including bikeways and pedestrian routes, and to make recommendations on projects and practices that improve safety, efficiencies and choices for transportation mode options. The powers and duties of the Committee shall include, but are not limited to:
Membership: The Committee shall consist of seven (7) voting members. At least two (2) of the voting members shall be bicycle enthusiasts and actively engaged in recreational and/or commuter bicycling. Liaisons from the City Council, City staff and representatives from Marion County Fire District #1 and Keizer Fire District shall serve as non-voting ex officio liaisons. The Mayor will appoint the non-voting Council liaison to the Committee and will make such announcement at a regularly scheduled Council meeting. The non-voting Fire District representatives shall be appointed by the Districts. The non-voting staff liaison will be appointed by the City Manager. The Council may appoint a non-voting Youth liaison to the Committee pursuant to the Council Rules of Procedure. Other members shall be appointed as outlined by the City Council Rules of Procedure, except for the initial selection which shall be by City Council appointment.
Term of Office: Each member of the Committee shall be appointed for a three-year term, except for initial terms which shall be staggered. Members may be reappointed. The terms shall be staggered so that not more than three will expire in the same year.
Chair and Vice-Chair: The Committee will elect the Chair and Vice-Chair at the first meeting of each calendar year.
Meetings: Members of the committee shall establish a regular meeting date and shall meet as deemed necessary by the Chair. All meetings of the Committee shall follow Robert Rules of Order Newly Revised and the Oregon Public Meeting Laws.
Attendance: It is the duty of each member to attend at least 75% of the meetings each calendar year. When a member is unable to attend a meeting, the member shall notify the Chair. Members of the Committee may be removed by two-thirds majority vote of the City Council.