Youth Volunteer Recognition Program

The City of Keizer, through the Volunteer Coordinating Committee has a volunteer youth recognition program.  This program recognizes volunteer service contributions to the betterment of our community through leadership, initiative, or proven history of volunteer service.  The awards will be given on a quarterly basis and be presented at a regular session of the Keizer City Council. 

The recipient will be presented with a $25.00 gift certificate and an award certificate.  Nominations will be reviewed by the Keizer Volunteer Coordinating Committee. 

*** Planning Commission & Budget Committee Members
: Please NOTE that State statute prohibits Budget Committee members from concurrently serving on the Planning Commission. ***

Judging Criteria and General Rules

  • Nominations should outline the youth’s volunteer service contributions, leadership, initiative, or proven history of volunteer service to the Keizer community. 
  • A written recommendation from an adult leader associated with the volunteer effort needs to accompany the nomination form.
  • The recognition program is open to youth up to 18 years of age and/or enrolled in middle or high school.
  • The volunteer contributions or service must be completed in the Keizer community.  The nominee does not need to reside in Keizer.
  • The City of Keizer retains the right to publish nomination and award announcements.

For questions, contact:

Dawn Wilson, Keizer Deputy City Recorder

930 Chemawa Road NE
PO Box 21000
Keizer, Oregon 97307
(503) 856-3418


Newspaper articles, photographs, etc.
